No, really. Let's be honest, whadd'ya think I was going up there for?
It was a wonderful trip, and we had a great time. With the exception of the excruciatingly long train rides both ways, it was an overwhelmingly pleasant experience. I met the friends and family, saw the city, got to do a little Hair shopping, drank good beer, somehow managed to swing from extremes of middle-aged couple to high-school couple, and - most importantly - got to spend some much needed q.t. with the boy.
It was wonderful. I can't wait until he's back home in this city. Just a few more days!!!!
Oh, and everyone with a pulse MUST see La Vie En Rose. Probably the most incredible performace I have ever beheld. Absolutely stunning.
A couple of highlighted moments from the trip -
1. While sitting in front of a coffee shop in Kensington Market, hiding out from the rain, and very deep in meaningful conversation, a grandfatherly man passes the fruit stand across the street, and lets out the singlemost audible fart I have ever heard. I mean, it damn near propelled him to the end of the block. It was like something out of a movie, and we have decided that it most definitely will be something IN a movie.
2. At same location, a very jolly rasta-man sits down on the bench next to ours, a woman with whom he seems to be vaguely aquainted walks by. The following conversation ensues.
Rastaman: "Hey, haven't seen you in forever!"
Woman: "Wow, yeah its been awhile.
Rastaman: "Where's your dog?"
Woman: "It's dead."
Rastaman: *awkward silence*
The Boy and I: *eyes watering as we try not to laugh*
My God, life is good. Unless of course, you're that woman's deceased pet. In which case, life is probably not good.