Tuesday, June 24, 2008

mercury in retrograde

ok, so i'm still not entirely sure what that entails, but whilst catching the train uptown with mags tonight i looked at her and asked, "dude, why is everything and everyone just all fucked up right now?" she didn't have an answer, but she did share my sentiment. everything and everyone i come in contact with now is in the oddest state of upheaval, or uncertainty, or unexplainable wierdness. it defies logic and reason. it's all too damn much at the same time. and i feel like we're all just going to have to ride it out, and take notes for future stories along the way...

i just want to live a fairly un-complicated life and spend it doing the things that bring me joy. i want to see the people i love doing the same. i want to share the good that is in me with the good that is in another. why is that so difficult to achieve?

mercury, knock it off. we've all had enough struggle to last us a good long while.

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