Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Workin' Girl

Today I got not one, but two jobs. One I interviewed for this morning, and was offered on the spot. One I interviewed for almost a month ago, was offered the same day, and then revoked as the person I was to be replacing decided not to leave. Right after I got the offer from today's interview, the older offer called me back, and literally BEGGED me to come work for them. The one I got today was a part-time retail gig, that paid ten bucks an hour. The one from a month ago was a full-time bridal consulting job, that pays upwards of forty grand a year.

Guess which one I took.

I have this phobia about job interviews. Not because I'm afraid I won't get the job. On the contrary, I've gotten every job I've ever interviewed for (excluding acting, of course). I'm actually afraid of getting a job I really don't want. I feel like my track record is such that if I interview, I'll get it, and then I'll be stuck in some shit job that I have no desire to do. Today's double offers are just an example of that. I must say, selling out and putting dreams on hold aside, this certainly is a load off my mind. I'm looking forward to being single, being self sufficient, and living my life on my terms. (read: getting shit paid the eff off.) Thank you, employment gods. You have certainly smiled upon me. Stay tuned for details as the working begins...

I'm wine drunk, and a little stoned, and this might just be a tad incoherent. My apologies.

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